8 Ways to Earn More Views on YouTube

8 Ways to Earn More Views on YouTube Интересно

People believe that by producing a video (usually filmed in a corporate office setting and telling about a new product) and posting it on YouTube, they can only sit in front of a monitor and watch how their recording gains view after view. Like anyone who knows at least something about online video, I will say that at best, such a video will receive a couple of hundred views.

So how do you get more responses for your video on the Internet and earn tons of views on YouTube? Of course, you can just buy 1 million youtube views, but this method is not the best idea for everyone, it will not give you money from ads but can help your video become popular. Below we will look at some tips and tricks to help you with this business.

Looking for friends on YouTube

Many people think YouTube is the place where everyone watches videos. But like any other social network, it provides a ton of ways to interact with other users, creating your own community. You need to start making friends with people in your niche, send them private messages and praise them for the videos they post, and also leave comments on the topic. This is a slow process and is very similar to commenting on other blogs, but while it can be time-consuming, it is very effective.

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Add annotations to your videos

YouTube annotations are easy to add, and while the biggest mistake the system makes is that it prevents you from linking to third-party sites (otherwise there would be colossal spam issues), annotations can help you grow your subscribers. Explore the last ten seconds of this video and you will find a couple of links leading to our channel and the about us video. Used correctly (and there are millions of ways to do it all creatively), annotations are an easy way for you to quickly gain new subscribers to your channel or views of your video, which until now could not boast of high traffic.

Grow your subscriber base

If there is one surefire way to hit YouTube, it is by building a subscriber pool. A subscriber is someone who gets notified every time you post a new video, and the importance of such people should not be underestimated. Channels with a couple of hundred subscribers have a great opportunity to earn more views, and if the video is really good, it will get organic distribution through the subscribers to their friends.

Create the right tags and descriptions for your videos

Although YouTube has done everything it can to improve video search over the years, the search itself is still done by tags and text. This means that you need to do your best to create the correct description/title and make sure that you add as many appropriate video tags as possible. Remember that YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world after Google and that people can search for your video right now. So do everything so that they can find him.

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For those who are not familiar with the terminology, these are such small pictures that will appear in front of you following the link to the video. You can choose the thumbnail that appears after your video is uploaded. It’s vital to find something that will make a bunch of people pokes at her immediately. Remember that when people search on YouTube, people get hundreds of results, and you need to make your video stand out from the crowd.

Spread your video everywhere

It’s pretty obvious, but most people will not come to your video via YouTube, but from other sites. You should post this video on your website or blog and actively share it through other social media. It’s good if you have friends who are always ready to help, and if you think that your video could be hung by another blogger, it will not be a problem to ask him if he would like to support you.

There are tons of content on the internet that is just as good (if not even better) than yours, so you’ll have to work hard to get your video’s message across to everyone. Make links and virtual “pointers” that will lead people to your video. Here on our page, you will find a little button that leads to our YouTube channel, links to it are in all our emails, on our Facebook and Twitter pages, and so on.

Leave video replies

This is something that really works great, but it takes a lot of time. Basically, any YouTube video has a video reply option (you can often see these next to the main video button). You yourself, as a regular user, can leave such answers, and if the owner of the original video considers your answer clear enough, he will make it so that everyone can see it. You will have to manually iterate through all the posts to find the places where your video would be in the topic, but this is a great way to show your video to people who are interested in similar videos in your niche.

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Again, if you start by connecting effectively with other YouTube users, your video has a great chance of being accepted as a video response.


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